Warrington Conclave No.206
Crosses Presentation
Warrington played host to a team visit of almost every Acting Divisional Officer on November 16th
They and other visitors were treated to a superb presentation by two Warrington Knights,
P.Kt. Alan Briggs, Div.Std.B.(C) and P.Kt. Mike Hamilton, Div.W.of Reg.
The two presenters had really researched their subject and held the interest of all present
throughout the talk with their computer display and narration.
Afterwards, they presented the Intendant-General and Deputy Intendant-General
with a transcript of their work and later, at the Festive Board, the Intendant-General
commented on what a very useful piece of work it was, worthy of much wider dissemination.
Download the presentation here
and the narrative here